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URL Proposal Guidelines

Project Proposals header

Want to pursue your research ambitions? You can submit a proposal to the Undergraduate Research Lab for the opportunity to lead a research project! This document is here to help you write a great proposal.

Your next adventure starts here!

Why submit a proposal?

Good question! The URL is an undergraduate-led organization that's meant to help you get started with research. Have an idea you've always wanted to pursue? This may be the place to start.

If your proposal gets accepted by the URL, we will be able to help mentor and guide you as you pursue your research. Some of the things we're able to do for you are:

  • Funding guidance: We will help you navigate the process of getting your project funded by UROP
  • Mentorship: The URL Board will meet with you to help with your project

... and more!


If you want to get to meet us before making a decision, the URL is having a Think Tank event on Wednesday, October 23 from 6-8 PM at DBH 5011. Join us and learn more about the URL!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and join our Discord server for updates!

URL Project Requirements

Before you start writing your proposal, please make sure that you are willing to follow these rules:

  • Project Lead (PL): Projects must have a Project Lead. PLs must be available to talk with the URL Board to report their project's progress.
  • Room Reservation: PLs must reserve the room on Google Calendar before going to the room.
  • Project Size: A project must have at least 3 members at all times. If a project does not have enough members, they will be given a deadline to find more members. You may still apply, even if you have less than 3 members.
  • Timelines: Projects must keep a timeline/agenda for their work. It must be updated as much as possible, and the URL Board must be given access to the timeline for progress reports.
  • Progress Reports & Meetings w/ Board: The Board will conduct bi-weekly meetings with projects. The PLs must attend these meetings.
  • UROP Funding: Projects must apply for UROP funding.
  • Documentation/Website: Projects should ensure their work is properly documented. "Properly documented" is decided on a case-by-case basis; however, it must include the history of your project.

Writing a Proposal

Your proposal will be written in this Google Form. This section will explain each individual part of your proposal.


You must provide a general overview of the project itself. It doesn't have to be too complicated, just a single paragraph summarizing the project itself.



What is the problem this project is trying to solve? Add a paragraph that explains what why the research is needed.


How is this project solving the problem? Add a paragraph that explains how your solution aims to tackle the problem written above.



What are the benefits of taking on this project?

Method of Approach

How are you going to begin your project? Literature review? Interviews? Python? Etc.




All projects must have at least THREE (3) students. You can apply with less than 3 students; however, you will be given a deadline to find more students willing to participate.

List the team members of the project, as well as the following information:

  • Names
  • Emails


Provide a rough timeline for the entire quarter.

References (Optional)

If you included references in your proposal, please add them here!


This section will include what would be a proposal for the Ojos Project, another URL project.

Sample Abstract

A lot can be in a caregiver's mind when their loved one is in hospice, and we want to ensure everybody caring for them can provide the best possible care. This project aims to understand the needs of hospice patients, caregivers, and nurses to develop solutions that will improve the care and communication of your loved one. Allowing a single device to be the epicenter of the patient's care and relaying it to other caregivers' devices, we ensure that critical information will not be miscommunicated between caregivers.

Sample Introduction

Sample Problem

When a family member is placed on hospice care, it can be a very troubling time for everybody. The entire family wants to help, but with various caregivers being involved, it can be difficult to efficiently keep track of a patient's care due to stress. This can be very dangerous if we're handling sensitive information, such as whether or not a patient took their medications or not. There may be different things you want all caregivers to know, but you're still trying to process everything that's happening. It's normal, and it happens to everybody.

Sample Solution

I propose creating a tablet-like kiosk that would help keep track of a hospice patient's care. This device would be an all-in-one device for hospice care. It would keep track of medications, care instructions, as well as record the patient while you're away to ensure they're getting proper care. This device would also come with accessibility features to enhance a patient's independence.

An important aspect of this research would relaying the information given to the device to all the caregivers' mobile devices. For example, once a medication has been logged, the device would send a text message to all caregivers so that everybody knows that the patient has taken their medication, ensuring that everybody is on the same page.

Sample Technicality

Sample Benefits

The benefits of this research would include: improving a patient's EOL care, increasing their independence, and help caregivers provide the best possible care for their loved one.

Sample Method of Approach

There would be two aspects to this research: a programming aspect and an engineering aspect.

On the programming side, we would create a desktop application that would handle the data-keeping aspect of the device. It would be created using web technologies such as React and Tauri.

On the engineering side, we would research healthcare-appropriate material and create 3D models to make the device as useful and accessible as possible. Some of our current ideas include communication with a joystick.

Accepting Proposals

How the URL accepts proposals will be at the discretion of the board. A rubric will be provided on this page soon.